July 2024 Newsletter

Rising healthcare prices in the U.S. are leading employers outside the healthcare sector to reduce their payroll and decrease their number of employees, according to a new study…

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Newsletter June 2024: Actionable data to help employers

Texas employers paid over two and a half times what hospitals accepted from Medicare during 2022 for the same services according to new data from RAND Corporation’s Hospital Price Transparency Study. In…

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Newsletter May 2024: “It’s absolutely outrageous.’

“Every year, Americans spend trillions of dollars on health care, money that is increasingly being gobbled up by a small number of payers, providers and dominant intermediaries that…

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Newsletter April 2024: Healthcare expenses continue to plague employers 

New Survey Data Highlights Continuing Concerns About Health Care Expenses Small Business for America’s Future, a national coalition of business owners and leaders, recently conducted a survey of…

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