Watch this Interview | HB 711 with Rep. James Frank

TPPF’s David Balat and Rep. James Frank discuss HB 711, which reestablishes an actual market in the healthcare industry & helps lower prices for all Texans.

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HB 711 Press Release: Major Healthcare Reform Passes Legislature

A Texas-Sized Victory! Market-Driven, Business-Friendly Healthcare Reform Legislation has passed and has been sent to Governor Abbott for his signature. Texas Employers for Affordable Healthcare (TXEAHC), a non-profit…

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Texas Employers for Affordable Healthcare’s Chris Skisak Interview with SBAF

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Fox 7: Texas lawmakers take on rising health care costs with HB 711

Rudy Koski for Fox 7 – March 23, 2023 – New legislation could help lower health care costs by giving consumers more control. The Texas House Select-Health Care Reform committee…

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LaMantia: Texas employers can’t afford not to support legislation prohibiting healthcare anti-competitive practices – Rio Grande Guardian

Joe LaMantia III for the Rio Grande Guardian – April 12, 2023 – Texans enjoy living in a state that supports a free-market economy and the laws of…

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Texas Employers for Affordable Healthcare Shines Light on High Hospital Prices with New Transparency Dashboard

HOUSTON – May 1, 2023 – The median price Texas employers pay for hospital care is 315% of what Medicare pays for the exact same procedure at the…

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Texas lawmakers take on rising health care costs with HB 711

Frank drafted the bill in an effort to open up the health care marketplace by eliminating anti-competitive clauses in health insurance contracts. “You know, one of the things…

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Texas Small Businesses: Control Healthcare Prices and Regulate Hospital Consolidation

A survey of small business owners found that an overwhelming majority say hospital consolidation leads to higher prices and lower quality. Texas entrepreneurs are feeling the pressure of…

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By Vivian Ho: HB711 is the single most effective action that the Texas legislature can take to restrain rising healthcare costs in Texas.

 HB711 is the single most effective action that the Texas legislature can take to restrain rising healthcare costs in Texas. Numerous research studies have documented the massive consolidation…

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Help from the Lege? Texas employers band together to combat high health costs

Since 1999, workers’ contributions for family health premiums have increased 300%, nearly triple the gain in pay. If you can’t beat ‘em, join together. That’s the approach adopted…

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